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Talk Town - No Place To Fall

lør. 28. sep.



A deep feminine force piece by Mia Ghabarou. The elements will be fluid, sensitive and powerful, and the piece will be a blend of the best of both masculine and feminine qualities, that we all contain within us

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Talk Town - No Place To Fall
Talk Town - No Place To Fall

Tid og sted

28. sep. 2019, 16.50 – 18.00

Folkestedet, Carl Blochs Gade 28, 8000 Aarhus, Danmark

Om eventet

Talk Town er en folkelig debatfestival; en samtaleby om køn, ligestilling og feminisme; et forum for dialog på tværs af faglig og personlig erfaring; et sted for nysgerrighed, netværksdannelse og dialog.


Mia Ghabarou is an artist working with multilayering, always morphing in and out of her many forms of expression. She is a dancer, singer and composer of new classical music whilst studying electronic music at the conservatory. She holds a deep love for noise and pop.

For Talk Town 2019 in Aarhus she has composed a deep feminine force piece! The elements will be fluid, sensitive and powerful, and the piece will be a blend of the best of both masculine and feminine qualities, that we all contain within us.

Koncertsalen, Folkestedet

Entré 25kr

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